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Message started by Gert on Mar 6th, 2011 at 12:52pm

Title: WatchDirectory 4.6.6 Beta
Post by Gert on Mar 6th, 2011 at 12:52pm
We just uploaded a new beta for WatchDirectory 4.6.6

Changed in this release:
* The email task now properly encodes the subject of emails when encoding "Quoted/8859" is selected
* The upload (FTP) task could sometimes "hang" when connecting to the FTP server fails.
* Removed all Virtual Machine restrictions from the Evaluation version.
* A new {tag} function: {random{low,high] to get a random number (for example {random{1,10] will return some number between 1 and 10 inclusive).

As always, install it "on top" of your current version so it will keep your tasks and settings.

Title: Re: WatchDirectory 4.6.6 Beta
Post by Gert on Apr 12th, 2011 at 7:58am
A new beta for WD 4.6.6, with one change. The Audit task has a new option to automatically remove old audit reports.

The beta is now the official 4.6.6 release
Download here:

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