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watchDirectory forums >> Bug Reports >> upload to amazon s3 not working

Message started by markusk on Nov 24th, 2016 at 12:31am

Title: upload to amazon s3 not working
Post by markusk on Nov 24th, 2016 at 12:31am
hi there,

had this working all summer, tried starting again at the beginning of this month - but surprisingly it didn't work anymore. neither settings nor credentials changed.

all it does is returning the cryptic message "does not support" to the run window, but only for the first file there'd be to upload..

already tried freshly created credentials which definitly allow uploading to the concerned bucket (tested with different tool) - but to no avail..

checking the history of the task i can find 403 responses, but as said, using the very same credentials with a different s3-client it does work.

would be nice if someone could crosscheck this.


Title: Re: upload to amazon s3 not working
Post by markusk on Nov 24th, 2016 at 12:51am

i'm also getting attached error (unfortunately it's longer than my screen's height) when trying to list the buckets..
wds3_err.png (34 KB | 209 )

Title: Re: upload to amazon s3 not working
Post by Gert on Nov 24th, 2016 at 8:46am
Hello Markus,

Can you email me (gert @ a backup of your task so I can experiment? Stop the task, right-click and select backup.

Title: Re: upload to amazon s3 not working
Post by markusk on Nov 26th, 2016 at 1:33am
since i'm a bit pressed for time i went out looking for alternatives to get an automatic upload to s3 working again.

seems there's still no other dedicated and simple gui-tool able to do this on windows, so i checked for a cli-option, and lo and behold - there's a reasonably simple one from amazon themselves:

putting their cp command in a batch file and executing it with any new file in the watched folder seems to work reliably..

so long,

Title: Re: upload to amazon s3 not working
Post by DilJones on Feb 20th, 2017 at 6:32am
Hi Markusk are you still getting this error?

Title: Re: upload to amazon s3 not working
Post by Verne on Jul 18th, 2018 at 9:38pm
We are having the same issue.  No problems using other clients.  We eventually just decided to use Python.

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