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watchDirectory forums >> Bug Reports >> Error=40426

Message started by allan on Dec 2nd, 2019 at 10:02pm

Title: Error=40426
Post by allan on Dec 2nd, 2019 at 10:02pm
Hi Gert,

I have a FTPS connection setup.  However after a file is uploaded "after putfile" I receive a 426 error, failure reading network stream.  The file does make it to the server but the server return that 426 which crashes the WD-Process.  However if I use WinSCP or Filezilla, that error does not occur.  I've tried toggling auto resume, but that ends up giving me a 550 which is a permission denied error.

I'm trying to understand why WD throws the 426 while other clients are able to "ignore" that?  I've also tried toggling
Passive + Strict
Passive - Strict
Active (Passive-Unchecked)

All fail...

WD 4.9.6

any insight would be helpful.


Title: Re: Error=40426
Post by Gert on Dec 3rd, 2019 at 12:13pm
Hello Allen,

40426 can be caused by a lot of different things. It typically is because your FTP server closed the connection (without WD asking for it).

Can you change your "Keep Alive" setting on the task to see if that helps?

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