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Error 183 when trying to email? (Read 9072 times)
YaBB Newbies

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Atlanta, Georgia (Dirty South)
Error 183 when trying to email?
Jan 8th, 2004 at 9:58pm
I can perform the email bat file without issue from my machine at home. My client is on his company server and gets this 183 error. I have a feeling it has something to do with the SMTP settings on his end. I just thought I would take a second to see if anyone has dealt with this issue before.

Exit the Ninja o:::[=====-

Oh yeah Happy New Year! Grin
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YaBB Newbies

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Posts: 6
Atlanta, Georgia (Dirty South)
Re: Error 183 when trying to email?
Reply #1 - Jan 8th, 2004 at 11:26pm
As I had expected the Error 183 is from the BLAT not having the ability to get the email out of the server due to an incorrect SMTP setting. 

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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 2362
The Netherlands
Re: Error 183 when trying to email?
Reply #2 - Jan 9th, 2004 at 5:04am
As I had expected the Error 183 is from the BLAT not having the ability to get the email out of the server due to an incorrect SMTP setting.  

Glad you have it working now.

There will soon be a new program, free for WD users, to send email. This will be comandline based, just like blat, but better optimized to work together with WD.
Obviously, this program will not help you if you give it a wrong smtp server Wink

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Gert Rijs - gert (at) gdpsoftware (dot) com
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YaBB Newbies

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Atlanta, Georgia (Dirty South)
Re: Error 183 when trying to email?
Reply #3 - Jan 9th, 2004 at 5:44am
Grin Glad to see ya Gert

Now I am trying to use the FTP and Email BAT that we worked on to dynamically generate an email based on whether or not the FTP was successful.

I check it with 'IF EXISTS %FTPDIR%\%WD_FILE_N% GOTO BLAT ELSE GOTO QUIT' which will produce the email only if the file somehow didn't make it to the server.

I want to expand that code to dynamically change the %SUB% of the email to either 'PASS' or 'FAIL' based on the outcome of the if statement.

It seems like as soon as I add anything to that statement the email doesn't work. Tongue

What do you think?

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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 2362
The Netherlands
Re: Error 183 when trying to email?
Reply #4 - Jan 9th, 2004 at 5:51am
Do you mean, as soon as you add something to the "IF EXISTS" statement??

Also, changing the subject should be as simple as
note: when you SET something the variable BEFORE the "=" should not have percentages around it.

If this doesn't help, pls email your .bat file to support.

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Gert Rijs - gert (at) gdpsoftware (dot) com
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YaBB Newbies

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Posts: 6
Atlanta, Georgia (Dirty South)
Re: Error 183 when trying to email?
Reply #5 - Jan 9th, 2004 at 7:08am
I know how hard it is to understand someone trying to explain code snippets via a forum. It is just as hard as trying to explain the snippets to begin with. I have been pardoned with another day to work on the final script, so I should be okay. If for some reason I don't have it figured out by tomorrow then I will take up that support offer.

Thank you for your help!

Red-Eyed Ninja
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