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History (Read 2528 times)
Junior Member

Posts: 53
May 20th, 2014 at 6:10pm
Don't think this is really a bug but just wanted to make an observation on how the History Works.

It seems like the History option really doesn't drive off of days.  I have mine set for two days but I see all the history for the tasks since I last rebooted my server on the 10th of May.

It looks like the history is really just doing two runs and not two days.  I can see the run before the server was rebooted on the 10th.

This is something I noticed a while back but thought I would ask about it. Not that big of a problem for us.

But if for some reason you stop and start a task a few times during the day because you are trying to debug a problem, you lose all the History except for the last two runs.
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 2362
The Netherlands
Re: History
Reply #1 - May 21st, 2014 at 10:06am

When a task starts it removes all "runs" from history which have a timestamp older than X days (where X is what you have set in options). I am not really sure if it uses the start- or end-time of a run.

While the task is running, every few 100 events, it will remove messages of all runs that are older than X days. This includes messages of the current run.
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Gert Rijs - gert (at) gdpsoftware (dot) com
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Junior Member

Posts: 53
Re: History
Reply #2 - May 22nd, 2014 at 4:39pm
Not sure if we are understanding each other.

Lets examine this scenario.
My History is set for 2 days.
Current run is 66 and has 10 days worth events in the history.
I stop and restart the task and now have Run 67 as the current and I can go back and see run 66.
Now I stop and start the task again.  I am at run 68 and I can go back and see history for run 67 but I can longer see any history for run 66.  All the history is completely gone even though there was events that happened today.
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