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WatchDirectory v4.8.9 Beta 1 (Read 3539 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 2362
The Netherlands
WatchDirectory v4.8.9 Beta 1
Nov 24th, 2014 at 7:23am
We just uploaded a beta version for WatchDirectory v4.8.9.

The changes in this version:
- Improved: If you use {dynamic naming}, the {drive} variable will now be set to the \\server\share name when monitoring a network share.
- Improved: The System.Mail (wdPostman) program has been optimized to perform better when combining large numbers of emails.
- Improved: The Upload to Amazon S3 task handles large files a lot better. It will also automatically retry several times when the http-connection is lost during a transfer.
- Improved: The Upload to S3 plugin now allows you to select the end-point of your AWS server.
- Improved: You can now import backups even while tasks are running (you can not import running tasks).
- Fixed: The WatchDirectory Control Center crashed when you didn't install the help files and tried to create a new task.
- Fixed: Inlining more than 9 images (using cid:image-root.10) in an html email did not work.

download the beta here:
this beta is now released, see

Then stop all your tasks and install it "on top" of your current version to keep all your tasks and settings.
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« Last Edit: Feb 7th, 2015 at 5:16pm by Gert »  

Gert Rijs - gert (at) gdpsoftware (dot) com
End Alzheimer's:
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 2362
The Netherlands
Re: WatchDirectory v4.8.9 Beta 1
Reply #1 - Jan 29th, 2015 at 7:36am
A new beta is available. Download link inside the top post.

When you have an email task, this new beta allows you to call a batch script to set (part of) the subject and/or body text.


Example: dynamically set the subject based on file content
The task is monitoring a directory where log files are created. Those logs are emailed to the support desk and they should check the logs to see if everything is ok.
To make the emails with errors stand out more, this script checks the detected file for the word "Error" and changes the subject accordingly.

rem use the FINDSTR command to look for the string Error inside the detected file
FINDSTR /I "Error" "%WD_FILE%"
IF %errorlevel% EQU 0 GOTO :ErrorFound
GOTO :ErrorNotFound

ECHO [ERROR] %WD_FILE_N% Processing completed, Errors were found > "%WD_RESULTFILE%"
ECHO %WD_FILE_N% Processing completed without issues  > "%WD_RESULTFILE%"

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Gert Rijs - gert (at) gdpsoftware (dot) com
End Alzheimer's:
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