Hello all,
I'm having this issue where 2 services stopped and both were due the following error:
Quote:2016-09-28 16:31:36.000;E;10054: The current socket connection has been reset.;;
2016-09-28 16:31:36.001;E;Plugin returned errorcode -1. Error message=10054: The current socket connection has been reset. watchDirectory will abort;;
2016-09-28 16:31:36.002;E; Plugin returned errorcode -1. Error message=10054: The current socket connection has been reset. watchDirectory will abort;;
2016-09-28 16:31:36.003;I;Storing remaining events in eventstodo.log;;
2016-09-28 16:31:36.004;I;shutting down;;
Both were working fine until that.
Attached it will be found screen captures and the tasks being used.
The log files generated (eventstodo.log) shows me only the following:
Quote:FN*\\\mscasrv\219\edi\PSA\OUT\MONTECON\MSC JEONGMINFI639R_MS59923_42641.6865499306.edi**
FN*\\\mscasrv\219\edi\PSA\OUT\MONTECON\MSC JEONGMINFI639R_MS59927_42641.6866360648.edi**
FN*\\\mscasrv\219\edi\PSA\OUT\MONTECON\MSC JEONGMINFI639R_MS59978_42641.6867113079.edi**
FN*\\\mscasrv\219\edi\PSA\OUT\MONTECON\MSC JEONGMINFI639R_MS59979_42641.6868322338.edi**
Not sure what might be happening, or where the issue might start from