Customer testimonial
...I use WatchDirectory for monitoring each yachts inbox, and when a new file arrives it moves the files to an approval queue.
Once the material has been approved, it is moved to another directory....
(Volvo Ocean Race)Complete testimonial
Find out WHO is deleting files from your server!
watchDirectory can send you an auditing report showing you who, what, when and where.
It is up to you to discover why...
Automatically ZIP new files
Monitor a direcrory and compress new and changed files to industry standard ZIP files.
Automatically create Thumbnails for your Pictures
Create JPG, GIF or PNG thumbnails for new JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF, PCX, TGA, WMF, EMF, PCD, and PSD files. Pictures can be automatically rotated as well!
Send email for old files!
Receive email notifications for old files - great for workflow (e.g. warn John that he didn't process the file, and CC yourself and his colleagues...).