Configure the Plugin

thumbnail - monitor folders

Now that we decided which plugin we are going to use, we must configure that plugin. We selected the Auto Copy Files plugin, so we must tell it where the files should be copied to. If, for example, we had selected the plugin that Automatically creates thumbnails of pictures we would see an entirely different window.

What to do on the "Configure the Plugin" window

This window lets you enter the details where and how files are copied.

  1. Select the "Dynamic naming" option
    Dynamic naming allows you to rename the file while it is copied to another directory.
  2. Enter the directory where the files must be copied to.
    As we use Dynamic naming, we can enter special {tags} that will be replaced at runtime. For example, the tag {year} will be replaced by 2024.
    Use the button labeled {Select} to insert those tags.
  3. The message area shows an example output filename when you use Dynamic Naming.
  4. Press the button labeled Next to continue to the next step.
Directory to Monitor Directory to Monitor

Configure the Plugin Screenshot - Configure the Plugin

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