watchDirectory Help

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  1. Select the plugin to use
  2. Plugin Settings
  3. Directory to Watch
  4. Directories to Exclude
  5. Filter Events
  6. Monitoring Method
  7. Events
  8. Scheduler (Pro)
  9. Other
  10. Name and Description
  11. How to Run
  12. File Permissions

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Directories to Exclude

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If you checked the option to monitor sub-directories on the previous page, you can use this page to prevent certain sub-directories to fire events.

Directories to exclude

Enter a directory name in the edit box you do not want to be monitored for changes. Alternatively, use the browse button to select them. Then press the Add button to add the directory to the list of directories that are ignored by watchDirectory.

Every directory in the list has a checkbox in front of it. If you check it, the complete tree of directories will be ignored by watchDirectory.
If it is not checked, file system events in directories below the ignored directory will fire events.

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