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  1. Select the plugin to use
  2. Plugin Settings
  3. Directory to Watch
  4. Directories to Exclude
  5. Filter Events
  6. Monitoring Method
  7. Events
  8. Scheduler (Pro)
  9. Other
  10. Name and Description
  11. How to Run
  12. File Permissions

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Events are things that happen on your file system inside the directory that is monitored by watchDirectory. On this page you select the events that will start your configured task. Note that most plugins preselect the events they support.

Events that start the task

Depending on the plugin you have selected, some events are not enabled. For example, it would not make much sense to create thumbnails for deleted pictures - actually, that would be impossible.
The "rename" events can only be selected when you use the Fast monitoring method.

FILENEW - a new file is created
Starts the configured plugin when a new file is created inside the monitored directory. If you do not use the Fast monitoring method this event will also fire for the "new" name of a renamed file.

FILEDEL - a file is deleted
Starts the configured plugin when a file is deleted from the monitored directory. If you do not use the Fast monitoring method this event will also fire for the "old" name of a renamed file.

FILECHNG - a file has changed
Starts the configured plugin when a file is changed inside the monitored directory.
When a (large) file is created or changed this event can fire multiple times. On the next page you can set an option that causes watchDirectory to wait until the other application has finished writing to the file.
Also note that some programs do not save their files by changing them, but by deleting the original, and then creating it again. The Fast monitoring method will see this delete/create and will fire FILEDEL/FILENEW events in such case. The other monitoring methods are normally too slow and will fire FILECHNG events in this case.
Detect changes based on file size instead of last write time
By default, watchDirectory will detect changed files based on their modification date/time. If you check this option, watchDirectory ignores that timestamp and looks at the size of the file to see if it has changed. Obviously, if the file does not grow or shrink after a change, watchDirectory will not detect the change.

DIRNEW - a directory is created
Starts the configured plugin when a new directory is created inside the monitored directory. If you configured this task to monitor sub-directories, this new sub-directory is automatically monitored as well. If you didn't configure sub-directory monitoring, this event will only fire if the new directory is directly inside the monitored directory.
If you do not use the Fast monitoring method this event will also fire for the "new" name of a renamed directory.

DIRDEL - a directory is removed
Starts the configured plugin when a directory is deleted from the monitored directory. If you do not use the Fast monitoring method this event will also fire for the "old" name of a renamed directory.

QUIET - nothing happened inside the monitored directory
Starts the configured plugin x seconds after one of the events above happened.

Settings for renamed directories and files

Renamed Files and Directories

Fast Monitoring method required

WatchDirectory can only detect renames when you use the Fast Monitoring Method. If you use another monitoring method, renamed files will be detected as a deleted file (original name) and a new file.
Even if you do use the Fast monitoring method, these options can still be disabled as not all plugins support renames. Most of the plugins support the FILENEW event, so you can choose the option "trigger as FILEDEL and FILENEW".

FILEREN - a file is renamed
Starts the configured plugin when a file is renamed inside the monitored directory.

  (also) Trigger as FILEDEL and FILENEW
When a rename is detected, it will start your plugin as if the old filename is deleted, and the new filename is created. This will only happen if you also select the corresponding event(s) above (FILENEW and/or FILEDEL).

DIRREN - a directory is renamed
Starts the configured plugin when a directory is renamed inside the monitored directory.

  (also) Trigger as DIRDEL and DIRNEW
When a rename is detected, it will start your plugin as if the old folder is deleted, and a new folder is created. This will only happen if you also select the corresponding event(s) above (DIRNEW and/or DIRDEL).
  Trigger for all files and subdirectories below the renamed directory
With this option selected, watchDirectory will fire FILENEW and DIRNEW events for all files and directories inside the "new" directory.

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