Remote Management of your Tasks

Do you manage multiple installs of WatchDirectory and/or WatchFTP? Now you can use the Wx Remote Control Center to start and stop your tasks from one central location. The user friendly interface shows you which tasks are running and which are stopped on all your servers.

Remote Scripting

Write simple batch scripts (see Remote Commands) that will run on your servers. Start the scripts from within the Remote Control Center. Several example scripts are installed.

HTML Interface and so much more...

We plan to add an HTML interface as well: check your tasks from your browser or Web enabled mobile phone! This will be a free upgrade for current users.

Your Ideas... Let Us Know!


Download Wx Remote Here (~3MB). You can evaluate free for 30 days.


The download above has 3 installation options:

  1. Wx Remote Control Center (wxrcc)
    Install this on one or more computers where you want to use the user interface.
  2. WxListener
    Install this on each computer where you run WatchDirectory and/or WatchFTP.
  3. WxConnectionManager
    Install this on one computer, this is the central component "between" 1 or more wxrcc's and 1 or more WxListeners.

Buy Now

Buy Wx Remote in our shop ($149 / € 119).

You need a license for every WxConnectionManager you install (typically just one).

You may install "unlimited" WxListeners (on computers running WatchDirectory and/or WatchFTP) and Remote Control Centers (the User Interface).

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